Are you familiar with a bearing sleeve? That might sound difficult to do, but it actually is a very handy tool if you ever have to pull a stuck bearing from a blind hole. Let’s break it down together. A blind hole is a successfully penetrated cavity in which the hole does not pass through the whole material. That makes it challenging to take out a bearing with common tools you probably have around in your house or workshop. The blind hole bearing puller is just the tool for when a bearing is seized inside a blind hole as it's used to help extract the bearing. This is the intent that YOU should do for a challenging job.
Blind hole bearing pullers are specialized tools designed specifically for extraction of the bearing when they are seized in a blind hole. It consists of several key pieces that are quite interactive. To start, there's a tube without a bottom that fits into the hole. There is a screw inside this tube, and attached to that screw is a part called a collet. A collet is special because it changes size – it expands or contracts based on your requirements. The puller simply consists of a hollow tube (the hollow part gets inserted into the right with the blind hole), a very tight connection with the stuck element itself and a small bolt with a threaded end. You then turn the screw once you have it in the right place. The collet pushes outwards as you turn the screw, expanding and gripping the bearing. So every time you keep turning the screw it becomes more and more pulled from the hole the bearing is embedded in.
Here is an impossible situation: you need to replace a bearing on a machine, but the bearing is stuck in a blind hole. You might attempt to scrape it off with a standard puller or use a screwdriver to pry it out, but nothing seems to work. This can be very frustrating! What do you do next? Enter the bearing sleeve types, which is extremely handy here. Its smart design allows it to grab the bearing securely, including if it is stuck tight. It effortlessly pulls it out, so you don't have to. Using this tool also minimizes the risk of damaging the bearing itself, or anything nearby, and that’s always a good thing.
The blind hole bearing puller is just one of many hardcore tools you can find from CIXIHOTO. Made from high-quality, thick materials, our best-in-class technical puller combines strength and durability with technology and engineering. This makes it excellent for pulling bearings out of blind holes. Our blind hole bearing puller is an essential tool that can help you be more effective whether you are a professional mechanic using it on machines every day, an industrial worker who deals with machines, or even a home improvement enthusiast who enjoys fixing things!
Blind hole bearing puller is the tool you really need if you have to remove bearings from blind holes. This versatile and quick tool works with many types of bearings and different sizes of blind holes. This is one of the most essential tools any kit should have. The simple but effective design can save you time, money, and a ton of frustration. It allows easy and accurate extraction of even the most stubbornly stuck bearings. We are Pleased to bring you the best tools and equipment available at CIXIHOTO, the same goes for blind hole bearing puller. We invite you to try it today and see how it can make your life a whole lot easier!
CIXI HOTO completed 40 production lines, which resulted in blind hole bearing puller very quick lead time.
blind hole bearing puller HOTO produce kinds of ball bearings, bearing component(cage sleeves, balls, sleeves, seal) and bearing steel pipe and we also provide one-stop ball bearing services and solution.
CIXI HOTO has strong quality control system, ISO9001-2016 certifications AHSAS18001, ISO14001, blind hole bearing puller ISO14001: 2016.
CIXI HOTO has blind hole bearing puller of items of OEM/Non-standard bearing sleeves products material grade SS alloy, bearing steel and Carbon steel.